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Simulation von Fluiden mit Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics für den Tieflochbohrprozess.
- Fluid-Struktur-Kopplung mit Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, insbesondere von flexiblen Körpern
- SPH-DEM Simulation des Spantransports beim Einlippen-Tieflochbohren
- A. Baumann und P. Eberhard, „Experiments with Large Language Models on Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Closed-Source Simulation Software“, 2025. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2502.03916.
- E. Hartlieb u. a., „On a newly developed transport method for sensitive cradled panel paintings“, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Bd. 70, S. 441–449, Nov. 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2024.10.015.
- A. Baumann, J. F. Gerken, D. Sollich, N. Rupasinghe, D. Biermann, und P. Eberhard, „Modeling and mitigation of vortex formation in ejector deep hole drilling with smoothed particle hydrodynamics“, Computational Particle Mechanics, Bd. 11, S. 1851–1862, Juli 2024, doi: 10.1007/s40571-024-00789-w.
- O. J. Punch, D. J. Holland, A. Baumann, und P. Eberhard, „Experimental collisions of varying roughness wetted particles in the pendular regime compared to numerical simulations“, Phys. Rev. Fluids, Bd. 9, Nr. 5, Art. Nr. 5, Mai 2024, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.9.054302.
- D. Pfeifer, A. Baumann, M. Giani, C. Scheifele, und J. Fehr, „Hybrid Digital Twins Using FMUs to Increase the Validity and Domain of Virtual Commissioning Simulations“, in Advances in Automotive Production Technology -- Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains, N. Kiefl, F. Wulle, C. Ackermann, und D. Holder, Hrsg., in Advances in Automotive Production Technology -- Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023, S. 200--209. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-27933-1_19.
- A. Baumann und P. Eberhard, „Investigation of Chip Jamming in Deep-Hole Drilling“, gehalten auf der 17th International SPHERIC Workshop, G. Fourtakas, Hrsg., 2023. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-13807.
- E. Oezkaya, A. Baumann, P. Eberhard, und D. Biermann, „Analysis of the cutting fluid behavior with a modified micro single-lip deep hole drilling tool“, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Bd. 38, S. 93--104, Aug. 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2022.04.003.
- A. Baumann, E. Oezkaya, D. Biermann, und P. Eberhard, „Geometry modifications of single-lip drills to improve cutting fluid flow“, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Bd. 121, Nr. 3, Art. Nr. 3, Juni 2022, doi: 10.1007/s00170-022-09400-z.
- E. Oezkaya, A. Baumann, S. Michel, D. Schnabel, P. Eberhard, und D. Biermann, „Cutting fluid behavior under consideration of chip formation during micro single-lip deep hole drilling of Inconel 718“, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, S. 1–15, 2022, doi: 10.1080/02286203.2022.2042057.
- A. Baumann und P. Eberhard, „Flexible Bodies for Investigation of Chip Jamming and Drill Breakage in Deep-Hole Drilling“, in 7th edition of the International Conference on Particle-based Methods, in 7th edition of the International Conference on Particle-based Methods. CIMNE, Okt. 2021. doi: 10.23967/particles.2021.006.
- A. Baumann, E. Oezkaya, D. Schnabel, D. Biermann, und P. Eberhard, „Cutting-fluid flow with chip evacuation during deep-hole drilling with twist drills“, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, Bd. 89, S. 473--484, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2021.07.003.
- ITM-Statusseminar 2024
- 10. Juli 2024: 18th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Ischia, Italy, "Investigation of Chip Jamming and Drill Breakage in Deep-Hole Drilling using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics"
- 7. Dezember 2023: 27th SPH Super Group Meeting (SPH-SGM), online, "Investigation of Deep Hole Drilling with Mesh-free SPH Simulation Methods"
- ITM-Statusseminar 2023
- 29. Juni 2023: 17th SPHERIC International Workshop, Rhodes, Greece, "Investigation of Chip Jamming in Deep-Hole Drilling"
- 9. März 2023: Departmental Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, Neuseeland, "Investigation of Deep Hole Drilling with Mesh-free SPH Simulation Methods"
- 16. Februar 2023: Fluids in New Zealand (FiNZ) Workshop 2023, Wellington, Neuseeland, "Mesh-free Simulation Methods for Investigation of Fluid Distribution and Chip Evacuation in Deep Hole Drilling"
- 23. November 2022: Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics Workshop der GAMM-Nachwuchsgruppe, Universität Stuttgart, "Introduction to Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics" und "Fluid-Structure Interaction and its Application in Deep Hole Drilling"
- 28. August - 2. September 2022: 10th Summer School Complex Motion in Fluids, Boekelo, Twente, Netherlands, Poster Session, "Mesh-free Simulation Methods for Investigation of Fluid Distribution and Chip Evacuation in Deep Hole Drilling"
- ITM-Statusseminar 2022
- ITM-Statusseminar 2021
- 4. Oktober 2021: VII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods PARTICLES 2021, Hamburg, "Flexible Bodies for Investigation of Chip Jamming and Drill Breakage in Deep-Hole Drilling"
- ITM-Statusseminar 2020
- Modeling and Simulation of the Multi-Phase-Flow in Ejector Drilling using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation Method,
Forschungsarbeit (2024) - Modellierung und Simulation des Laserstrahlschneiden mittels der Simulationsmethode Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics,
Masterarbeit (2024) - Modellierung und Simulation der Mehrphasenströmung beim Tieflochbohren mittels der Simulationsmethode Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics,
Bachelorarbeit (2024) - Modellierung der Kühlschmierstoffverteilung beim Einlippentieflochbohren unter Anwendung adaptiver Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics,
Bachelorarbeit (2021). - Numerische Untersuchung zur Anwendung und Bewertung von Kernelfunktionen für die Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Methode, Bachelorarbeit (2021).
Betreuung gemeinsam mit Daniel Sollich, M.Sc.
- Vorlesungsassistent der Vorlesung Numerische Methoden der Dynamik (SoSe 2024)
- Vorlesungsassistent der Vorlesung Numerische Methoden der Dynamik (SoSe 2023)
- Vorlesungsassistent der Vorlesung Numerische Methoden der Dynamik (SoSe 2022)
- Vorlesungsassistent der Vorlesung Numerische Methoden der Dynamik (SoSe 2021)
- Vorlesungsassistent der Vorlesung Numerische Methoden der Dynamik (SoSe 2020)
- Betreuung des Seminars Technische Mechanik III (WS 2019/2020)