- Calm: Add soft rubber inclusions for higher damping to reduce unwanted vibrations and noise generated. Specific frequency bands will be targeted related to several application areas.
- Smooth: Incorporate recycled softer materials (e.g. shredded or granulated rubber, crushed glass) to smoothen the system response.
- Smart: Find an optimal mixture/composition of soft inclusions in a stiffer particulate matrix to unify potentially contradictory requirements and lead to lighter weight and better damping behaviour, but maintain strong stiffness and durability in materials/soil/etc.
The main goal of this project is to enhance the dissipative, elastic and lightweight properties of materials (like soils, asphalt, etc.) by deliberately adding dissipative, soft, light inclusions of various types and compositions.
Work packages
WP1: Experimental investigations
Mixtures of particles with different (soft-stiff) species
Mixtures of particles with different sizes
Mixtures of particles with different species at different stress states
WP2: Numerical simulations
Development and validation of particle contact models
Calibrating the simulation model parameters
Comparing the physical experiments with DEM
WP3: Data analysis
Signal Analysis (time & frequency domain)
Relation between material and system parameters
WP4: Theoretical modeling
A Macroscopic continuum description
Reduced order modeling in a Master-Equation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Steeb
Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE) Continuum Mechanics
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 7
70569 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 711 685-66029
Fax: +49 711 685-66347
Kianoosh Taghizadeh, Dr.
Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE) Continuum Mechanics
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 7
70569 Stuttgart
Tel.: +31 644110157