This image shows Steffen Maier

Steffen Maier


(2018 - 2023)
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics



Google Scholar profile


Maier, S.: Simulation of a Novel Restraint Safety Concept for Motorcycles. Dissertation, Schriften aus dem Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik der Universität Stuttgart, Vol. 79. Aachen: Shaker, 2023.
[ ISBN: 978-3-8440-9219-6 ]

Articles and conference proceedings

black: published, green: accepted for publication, orange: submitted for publication  

  • Fahse, N.; Millard M.; Kempter F.; Maier, S.; Roller M.; Fehr, J.: Dynamic Human Body Models in Vehicle Safety: An Overview. GAMM-Mitteilungen 2023.
    [ Preprint ] [ DOI: 10.1002/gamm.202300007 ]
  • Maier, S.; Fehr, J.: Accident Simulations of a Novel Restraint Safety Concept for Motorcyclists. In Proceedings of the 27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), 23-0189, Yokohama, 3. - 6. April 2023.
    [ Link ] [ DOI: 10.18419/opus-13030 ]
  • Maier, S.; Fehr, J.: Efficient Simulation Strategy to Design a Safer Motorcycle. Multibody System Dynamics, 2023.
    [ DOI: 10.1007/s11044-023-09879-8 ]
  • Maier, S.; Kempter, F.; Kronwitter, S.; Fehr, J.: Positioning and Simulation of Human Body Models on a Motorcycle with a Novel Restraint System. In Proceedings of the IRCOBI Conference, IRC-22-22, pp. 82–96, Porto, September 14-16, 2022.
    [ Link ] [DOI: 10.18419/opus-12377 ]
  • Maier, S.; Fehr, J.: Multi-Stage MBS and FE Simulation Strategy to Design a Safe Motorcycle (Extended Abstract). Proceedings of ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Budapest, December 12-15, 2021.
    [ Link ]
  • Maier, S.; Helbig, M.; Hertneck, H.; Fehr, J.: Characterisation of an Energy Absorbing Foam for Motorcycle Rider Protection in LS-DYNA. Proceedings of the 13th European LS-DYNA Conference, Ulm, October 5-7, 2021.
    [ Link ] [DOI: 10.18419/opus-12000 ]
  • Maier, S.; Doléac L.; Hertneck H.; Stahlschmidt S.; Fehr J.: Finite Element Simulations of Motorcyclist Interaction with a Novel Passive Safety Concept for Motorcycles. In Proceedings of IRCOBI Conference, IRC-21-17, pp. 60–78, Munich, September 8-10, 2021.
    [ Link ] [DOI: 10.18419/opus-11900 ]
  • Maier, S.; Doléac L.; Hertneck H.; Stahlschmidt S.; Fehr J.: Evaluation of a Novel Passive Safety Concept for Motorcycles with Combined Multi-Body and Finite Element Simulations. In Proceedings of IRCOBI Conference, IRC-20-38, pp. 250-265, September 9, 2020.
    [ Link ] [DOI: 10.18419/opus-11899 ]

  • Maier, S.; Kim, J.-Y.; Forstenhäusler, M.; Wall, J.; Jacobs, L.: Noncontact Nonlinear Resonance Ultrasound Spectroscopy (NRUS) for Small Metallic Specimens. PNDT & E International, Vol. 98, pp. 37–44, 2018.
    [DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2018.04.003 ]

  • Maier, S.: Noncontact Nonlinear Resonance Ultrasound Spectroscopy for Small Metallic Samples, Master thesis. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017.
    Link ]
  • Maier, S.: Registered Cars and Motorized Two- and Three-wheelers in Worldwide Countries, DaRUS, 2023.
    [DOI: 10.18419/darus-3378]
  • Rodegast, P.; Maier, S.; Kneifl, J.; Fehr, J.: Simulation Data from Motorcycle Sensors in Operational and Crash Scenarios, DaRUS, 2023.
    [DOI: 10.18419/darus-3301]
  • Juli 19, 2023: Statusseminar ITM, Hösbach, "Project Digit@L - BOOST".
  • July 7, 2023: Public talk on the dissertation topic at the Univerity of Stuttgart, "Simulation of a Novel Restraint Safety Concept for Motorcycles"
  • April 4, 2023: 27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Yokohama, "Accident Simulations of a Novel Restraint Safety Concept for Motorcyclists".
  • November 17, 2022: Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering 2022, Wiesbaden, "Safe Motorcycle – Assessing Injury Risk Mitigation of a Novel Passive Safety System for Motorcycles using Human Body Models".
  • September 14, 2022: IRCOBI Conference 2022, Porto, "Positioning and Simulation of Human Body Models on a Motorcycle with a Novel Restraint System".
  • July 26, 2022: Statusseminar ITM, Hösbach, "Sicheres Motorrad".
  • April 27, 2022: Tech Center i-protect Spring Conference Series 2022, Online Session, "Human Body Models Applied in a Multi-scale Multi-body and Finite Element Simulation Framework to Develop Safer Motorcycles".
  • November 25, 2021: Statusseminar ITM, Monbachtal, "Rückhaltesystem für Motorradaufsassen - Projekt Sicheres Motorrad".
  • October 21, 2021: Abschlussveranstaltung Technologietransferprogramm "Innovative Mobilitätstechnologien", Stuttgart, "Sicheres Motorrad".
  • October 6, 2021: 13th European LS-DYNA Conference, Ulm, "Characterisation of an Energy Absorbing Foam for Motorcycle Rider Protection in LS-DYNA".
  • September 8, 2021: IRCOBI Conference 2021, Online session, "Finite Element Simulations of Motorcyclist Interaction with a Novel Passive Safety Concept for Motorcycles".
  • November 5, 2020: Zulieferertag Automobilwirtschaft BW 2020, Virtueller Themenraum, "Technologietransferprogramm - Austausch von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft: Sicheres Motorrad".

  • September 9, 2020: IRCOBI Conference 2020, Online session, "Evaluation of a Novel Passive Safety Concept for Motorcycles with Combined Multi-Body and Finite Element Simulations".

  • August 5, 2020: e-mobil BW, Stuttgart, "Sicheres Motorrad -  Ein Projekt des Technologietransferprogramms".
    [ Video ]

  • June 4, 2019: Statusseminar ITM, Bad Herrenalb, "Projekt Sicheres Motorrad".
  • Maier, S.: "Noncontact Nonlinear Resonance Ultrasound Spectroscopy for Small Metallic Specimens". Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE) Conference, Provo, USA, 2017.
  • "Injury Assessment of Motorcycle Accidents with Human Body Models.", bachelor thesis. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2023. (running)
  • "Data-based Surrogate Modeling of the Collision Interaction of a Motorcycle with a Passenger Car", student thesis. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2022.
    In co-supervision with Jonas Kneifl, M.Sc.
  • "Collision Detection of a Motorcycle in Accident Scenarios Using Machine Learning Algorithms", master thesis. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2022.
    In co-supervision with Jonas Kneifl, M.Sc.
  • "Investigation of a Motorcycle and Motorcyclist in Collisions with Roadside Barriers in the Multi-Body Simulation Environment Madymo", bachelor thesis. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2022.

  • "Evaluation of Sensor Concepts for Motorcycle Accident Detection", bachelor thesis. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2021.

  • "Simulation of Motorcycle Accident Scenarios with Human Models", student thesis. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2021.
    In co-supervision with Fabian Kempter M.Sc.
  • "Development of a Transfer Methodology for the Positioning of Virtual
    Occupant Models in MADYMO from RAMSIS", master thesis. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2021.
    In co-supervision with Florian Bechler, M.Sc.
  • "Further Development of a Finite Element Model of a Motorcycle in LS-DYNA", student thesis. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2020.

  • "Development of a Finite Element Model of a Motorcycle in LS-DYNA", Studienarbeit. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2020.

  • "Investigation of the Accident Behaviour of a Motorcycle and Motorcyclist with the Multi-Body Simulation Software Madymo", bachelor thesis. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2020.

  • "Calibration of a Multibody Model of a Motorcycle Based on Crash Test Data from Laboratory Tests", bachelor thesis. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2019.

  • "Simulation and Analysis of the Influence of an Airbag on the Crashworthiness of Motorcycles", bachelor thesis. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2019.
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