We use optimal control for the concurrent computation of motions and ..
... mechanical design. In the process, we will exploit the use of different ...
... gaits at different speeds. These gaits are a consequence of ...
...nonlinear modes of the mechanical dynamics.
How can we support other projects?
- Tools
- Optimal control
- Transcriptions via single/multiple shooting and direct collocation
- Numerical continuation of optimal solutions
- Parametric models
- Various implementations
- Domain knowledge
- Modeling of hybrid / nonsmooth dynamics
- Simple and / or passive models
- Practical perspective on robotics
- Custom build hardware of legged and soft robots
- Control
- Locomotion/gaits/biomechanics
How could other projects support our work?
- Model reduction
- Learned models
- Mixed integeroptimization
Prof. Dr. C. David Remy
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart
Room 3.133
Tel.: +49 711 685 60914
Email: remy@inm.uni-stuttgart.de
Maximilian Raff
Email: maximilian.raff@inm.uni-stuttgart.de