The contactless measuring of vibrations is very important for laboratory experiments and under operating conditions. Modern measurement technology with laser Doppler vibrometers (LDV) enables the detection of even the smallest movements in the nanometer range. Especially during highly dynamic processes of small measuring objects the laser vibrometry has great advantages, since the measured object is not affected by the measurement. In the biomechanics research at the ITM the dynamics of hearing is studied intensively with engineering models and human temporal bones, together with the clinical partners. The goal of this research is the development and improvement of passive and active implants using computer simulations and experiments. In these experiments, Polytec systems are used for the precise measurement of the ITM for more than 20 years.
Objectives and Activities
Through a close collaboration between the ITM and Polytec the expertise of both partners are combined and presented to the public. In addition, the exchange of knowledge and experimental experience between the two partners is facilitated and systematized. With this cooperation some academic and industrial applications of laser Doppler vibrometer are shown. On the one hand the ITM biomechanics research team can profit from novel measurement applications, supported by Polytec. And on the other hand the Polytec GmbH has the possibility to present their systems for innovative applications in biomechanics and engineering and to establish customer contacts. The objectives can be summarized as follows:
- Exchange of experiences and knowledge between the ITM and Polytec
- Demonstration of professional LDV-applications in areas such as biomechanics and vibrations of mechanical systems
- Application of LDV in the student training
- Guided tours for interested people / clients in order to demonstrate typical applications in biomechanics, medicine and engineering
- Demonstration of the linkage between measurements and simulations
- Discussion of technical aspects of the LDV
- Teaching of LDV basics to students in related courses
- Provision of technical documents by Polytec for the competence center
- If necessary, testing of new Polytec devices in practical applications
- Universitätsspital Zürich
- Uniklinik Köln
- Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
- Advanced Bionics AG
- Heinz Kurz GmbH Medizintechnik
- Polytec GmbH

Peter Eberhard
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. E.h.- Profile page
- +49 711 685 66388
- Write e-mail
- Pfaffenwaldring 9, 70569 D-Stuttgart