This image shows Eva Hartlieb

Eva Hartlieb


Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics (ITM)


Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 4.114

black: published,  green: accepted for publication,  orange: submitted for publication

  • Hartlieb, E.; Heinemann, C.; Ziegler, P.; Gao, Y.; Eberhard, P.: Wie schwingt ein Gemälde? Einfluss verschiedener Parameter auf das Schwingungsverhalten von gemäldenahen Probekörper. In: Zeitschrift für Konservierung und Kunsttechnologie Vol. 35 Heft 1, 2022.
  • Hartlieb, E.; Ziegler, P.; Eberhard, P.: Schwingungsverhalten von Gemälden. In: tsf Magazin - Schauffler Foundation, 2022.
  • Gao, Y.; Ziegler, P.; Heinemann, C.; Hartlieb, E.; Eberhard, P.: Experimental Research on the Influence of the Modal Nonlinearities of a Painting During Transportation. In: Archive of Applied Mechanics, (2022). DOI:
  • Gao, Y.; Ziegler, P.; Heinemann, C.; Hartlieb, E.; Eberhard, P.: Experimental Research on the Vibration Characteristics of Canvas and Primed Canvas of Paintings. 2022. DOI:
  • Hartlieb, E.; Ziegler, P.; Eberhard, P.: Vibration analysis on newly designed painting supports for the Cranach exhibition 2022 at Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibiothek. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2022). DOI:
  • Gao, Y.; Ziegler, P.; Heinemann, C.; Hartlieb, E.; Eberhard, P.: Experimental Research on the Vibration Characteristics of Canvas and Primed Canvas of Paintings. Archive of Mechanical Engineering (2023): Vol. 70, No. 3, pp. 333-350. DOI: 10.24425/ame.2023.146850
  • Hartlieb, E.; Ziegler, P.; Baumann, A.; Schöler, P.; Eberhard, P.; Wiesend, M.; Karl, D.; Velte, S.: On a newly developed transport method for sensitive cradled panel paintings. 2023.
  • Hartlieb, E.; Ziegler, P.; Krekel, C.; Leprich, D.; Eberhard, P.: Development of a Test Rig for Fatigue Testing of Painting-Representative Specimens. 2024.
  • 24th November 2021: ITM Statusseminar, Monbachtal; "How does a canvas vibrate? - Influence of different parameters on the vibration behavior of paintings on textile support media"
  • 25th July 2022: ITM Statusseminar, Hösbach; "Materielle Veränderung von Gemälden durch mechanische Belastung"
  • 17th August 2022: 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Aachen; "Vibration analysis of painting supports"
  • 9. September 2022: Tragfähig? - Bildträger Tagung des Verbands der Restauratoren; "Schwinganalyse von Gemälden auf textilen Bildträgern – Untersuchung verschiedener Parameter"
  • 11th May 2022: TECHNART 2023 - International conference on analytical techniques in art and cultural heritage; "Newly developed transportation frame for a fragile wooden panel painting"
  • 18. Juli 2023: ITM Statusseminar, Schmerlenbach; "Material changes in paintings (on canvas) due to mechanical load"
  • 6. June 2024: InART2024 - 6th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology, Oslo; "Analyzing Vibration Levels in Museum Collections"
  • Vibration investigation and failure analysis of painting specimens.
    Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, 2022. In co-supervision with Pascal Ziegler, Dr.-Ing.
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