Student Projects (BSC, STUD, MSC, ...)

Bachelor- and Masterthesis which are offered at the Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics

At the ITM Institute research is done in various themes within Bachelor-, Master-, Seminar Papers and Diploma Thesis. Employees of the institute supervise the student research projects. These are part of current topics in research. The mentoring is intense and supports a very enthralling phase in university studies. Students do their research work of the academic themes self-contained.

Every year 25 - 40 student research projects are succesfully finished. A survey over the past research themes is given by our annual reports.


Many themes deal with simulation. The development of methods and algorithms, modelling and verification play a significant role. Experimental research projects and cooperation in the field of industrial challenges complete the research range.

If you are interested in a specific topic for your Bachelor-, Master-, Seminar Papers and Diploma Thesis, then come by and talk to the topic-related employees about their research projects and ask for a possible topic of a student thesis in the corresponding field.

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